Pregnancy and childbirth is a miraculous journey. It’s also a journey filled with overwhelm, doubt, and often… a hint of panic. A simple Google search leads to an all-night information binge, and stories from friends and family can make things even worse. With endless opinions and conflicting information, how do you know you’re doing this right? Is there a right way?
The journey to motherhood can be deeper, more meaningful, even more spiritual. If you’re ready to feel a richer connection with your child than knowing this week’s fruit size, to move through this journey with more than a list of rules, to experience pregnancy and childbirth as something other than medical events, Rise Mama can help you grow, connect, and create joy and presence, alleviating the blockages that prevent you from reveling in the process.
Designed for mamas-to-be from pre-conception on, and new mamas as they grow into a new identity, this online course will help you feel informed but not overwhelmed, prepared for what lies ahead and inspired by the process and what is to come. If you’ve felt brushed off at the doctor or midwife’s office and want to optimize your health with a plan richer and more personal than a stack of informative but impersonal photocopies, how-to-get-your-child-to-sleep books and competing advice, I can help. Becoming a mother is an amazing process, no matter how you choose to get there, from conception to birth and through the early years. Let’s work together to move into this new phase of your life as the best version of you: confident, calm, and connected.
Rise Mama is an online course that you can do at your own pace (because mamas and mamas-to-be are busy), including twelve audio/video lesson topics, worksheets, printable handouts, and practices, access to a private online community and weekly office hours, as well as bonus material including inspiring recorded interviews, ebook and additional resources. The price is $425 paid in full.